progettazione ufficio su misura
Office Planning

Office furnishing

Custom office design

With Arredoufficio, quality and reliability from design to assembly

Arredoufficio is first and foremost a team of people specializing in personalized consultancy, office design, the complete construction of the office, assembly and assistance for the construction of your new office.

progettazione ufficio
We carry out more than 300 projects every year. For everyone, the process is always the same.
Let's start with the briefing in which we collect from the client
the idea of the office that he wants to achieve, his needs and desires.
The first step
Arredoufficio, single interlocutor
Design and production
Consulting, planning and realization of your office

The first step

The first step for any project is to listen and understand what the client is looking for. The second step is the project : ideas are transformed into a concrete project, achievable and studied down to the smallest detail. We then come to the Solution for which the best project for the office is defined together with the client.

Arredoufficio, single interlocutor

There is therefore the installation, when the project becomes reality. Arredoufficio directly manages all operations, from the supply of furniture to lighting and accessories. The office is delivered to the customer only after every aspect is carefully checked. Arredoufficio is the ideal partner for the production of office furniture for any type of business, offices, banks, hotels and businesses and institutions that need integrated turnkey solutions, providing their service of contract for office.

Design and production

Arredoufficio carries out the design and production of furniture for each office . Its representatives are specialized in knowing how to interpret the needs of any type of customer, they are experts in providing the requested product. Which is not to be taken for granted. There are only suppliers, designers or manufacturers on the market.
The strength of Arredoufficio is precisely that of being all these things together: office furniture design and production.

Consulting, planning and realization of your office

Anyone who has to build an office, a reception room or organize a conference room for dozens of workstations will find it very convenient to do so with a company that provides both the consultancy and the furniture that it produces itself.
Customers who turn to Arredoufficio need only give some general indications. The type of activity you intend to carry out, the size of the venue, the amount you would prefer to spend, the style you want to maintain. Everything else remains the prerogative of the company. From the tailor-made creation of each individual furniture module, to the creation of the accessories for completion, to the organization of space and the arrangement of the individual work units.

Suggestions, images, perspectives to express the passion in office furniture

Office furniture,
strength points

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